Our Home Rewards offers exclusive home selling and home buying benefits:
Sell your current home for a flat 1.5% listing fee 1 and/or earn a 20% real estate agent commission rebate 2 towards closing costs when you buy a home through our Home Rewards Program. *
Receive outstanding service from a trusted, local real estate agent
Safely sell and/or buy with enhanced COVID-19 safety protocols
Want to buy now or simply want to see what’s out there? Register today without any obligation and get started.
Click the "GET STARTED" button to register.
Two Ways to Save
1.5% Listing Fee Example
20% Commission Rebate Example
You sell a $500,000 home
Traditional agent charges a 3% fee = $15,000
You pay a flat 1.5% listing fee1 = $7,500
You purchase a $500,00 home
Seller pays agent 3% commission = $15,000
You earn a 20% commission rebate2 = $3,000
You save:
Excludes commission owed to buyer's agent 1
You receive:
You don't pay any commission fees!
With Home Rewards, you'll receive outstanding service from a full-service, local real estate agent - trained on the highest safety measures.
That's why 100% of our members surveyed would recommend their Home Rewards agent to friends/family.
To enroll in Home Rewards, simply visit our exclusive home search website , and click the Sign Up button in the top right corner.
Once you sign up, we'll e-introduce you to a trusted real estate agent in your area who will guide you through a safe sale and/or purchase.
You may also schedule a free, no obligation virtual consultation with your agent before you choose to move forward!
*Home Rewards: Rebate payment is made by HomeSmart Evergreen Realty and is credited to your benefit at the close of transaction. HomeSmart Evergreen Realty is not affiliated with Farmers Insurance Group Federal Credit Union. Information is accurate as of date of publishing and is subject to change without notice.
1) Sell a home and only pay a 1.5% listing fee. Does not include commission owed to Buyer's Agent
2) Buy a home and receive a 20% rebate on your agent’s commission
Commission Rebates are not allowed in the following states: Alabama, Alaska, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Oklahoma, Oregon and Tennessee. Information is accurate as of date of publishing and is subject to change without notice.